
Moving away from essays and research papers, this online magazine showcases students’ creative works revolving around topics of health, wellness, and communication. It is an effort featuring public-facing documents such as articles, videos, infographics, and more.

Because contributors are from various majors including – but not limited to – Communication Studies, Public Health, Biology, and Human Sciences, this magazine benefits from a multidisciplinary approach as it offers a rich and diverse range of content to a broader audience.

In creating content that is accessible, engaging, and informative, students develop effective ways of presenting complex information in a digestible manner, a skill that is highly valued in today’s interconnected world.

What is Health Communication?

Health communication is a multidisciplinary field of study and practice that applies communication evidence, strategy, theory, and creativity to promote behaviors, policies, and practices that advance the health and well-being of people and populations (Society for Health Communication, 2017).

By integrating evidence-based communication strategies and creative elements, it strives to connect with diverse audiences, making health information more accessible, relatable, and actionable. Initiatives may include crafting persuasive messages, developing educational materials, and/or advocating for changes that support raising awareness for health.

Health communication serves as a powerful tool in empowering individuals, communities, and societies alike to make informed decisions that positively influence their health and well-being. In operating at the intersection of communication, education, and public health, the field recognizes the importance of tailoring messages to specific cultural contexts, individual beliefs, and societal norms to maximize their impact.

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